Fredrik Wester on Twitter: "Det första jag gör när jag blir Lord
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1. Physical Education - participation each semester. 2. Health .5. Electives.
CK2 Decision IDs Find below a searchable list of all 532 decisions and decision IDs from Crusader Kings 2 on Steam (PC / Mac). These decision IDs can be used with the decision console command. To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. Send commands by typing them into the console and hitting ENTER on your keyboard. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page.. To find character IDs, type the charinfo command into the console. After using this command, character IDs will be shown in the tooltips of 2016-07-27 Ck2 Elective Succession.
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Upon the reigning emperor's death, the candidate with the most points becomes the new emperor. 2021-03-24 · Princely Elective gives +20 vassal count.
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Does not actually require being a Christian. Convert both Rome and Acquire the Byzantine Empire title (which has Imperial Elective), and keep it as secondary title. There were no codified laws regarding imperial succession and Jan 23, 2021 Ck2 Holy Roman Empire; Byzantine Empire; The Holy Roman Empire of the dying ruler gain a weak claim upon succession, even in elective.
I always read about how elective is far superior to gavelkind succession, but my nomination is never otherwise backed by anyone. I currently only have one son (new and small dynasty) and no one will back him. I have really high opinion ratings with every one of my vassals .. tho my son doesn't have the greatest stats im considering reverting to gavelkind and taking the opinion hit
I think the elective title only applies to your primary title. As long as you have partition, it will function more like elective gavelkind than elective monarchy in CK2. Your demesne will be partioned on succession, unless you only have one living male descendant. Byzantine Imperial Elective IMO, having the Byzantines locked into imperial elective succession law is the best change ever made for the Byzantine Empire in Crusader Kings 2. Not only is it historically accurate and thus facilitates immersion and role play, but it also makes it …
Feudal Elective seems like the most democratic RP option, but I don't know how practical it would be.
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So lets say you are a king, you would only want all counts and maybe 1 duke as your vassals.
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Imperial Elective uses to its full extent the new voter_power function of scripted elective, making sure that every elector has a different amount of influence, entirely dependent on his status in the court and his attributes.
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After conquering Wessex, the King can invite Cornwall to join the league, as it is now adjacent. Requires patch 2.5.2.
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Fredrik Wester on Twitter: "Det första jag gör när jag blir Lord
If I lose one election, do I lose all my titles (transferred to the new king, like in Patrician Elective?) Do I play as the new king … 169 votes, 113 comments. "Properly managed, Medium Crown Authority and Elective Monarchy are the perfect crown laws." -every fucking person on … Elective Gavelkind is a feelbad mechanic and forcing it on players with no tunnel of light is crap design. Chagatai Khanate and the Yin Dynasty. If anything, CK2's empires are way too stable altogether.