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Insurer Financial Strength Ratings are assigned to operating companies and represent an insurer's ability to pay obligations to policyholders. Issuer Credit Ratings represent an issuer's ability to meet its overall financial commitments as they fall due. Moody's - Credit Opinion (15 April 2020) Fitch - Rating action commentary (1 April 2020) Fitch - Press release (4 March 2020) DBRS - Full report (4 December 2019) Fitch - Press release (25 October 2019) Moody's - Credit Opinion (7 October 2019) Archive. DBRS. DBRS - Press Release (29 March 2021) 2020-02-24 A credit rating is an assessment of the solvency or credit-worthiness of debitors and/or bond-issuers according to established credit review procedures.

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