Utvägar: Feministiska allianser för en solidarisk framtid


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HAPPINESS AND QUEER POLITICS (2009). feminist killjoy. willful subject. rachel. she/her.

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Feminists do kill joy in a certain sense: they disturb the very fantasy that happiness can be found in certain places. 2018-03-15 · If anger energizes feminist subjects, it also requires those subjects to “read” and “move” from anger into a different bodily world. Ahmed and Lorde are not the only writers who extol the vitality of anger for a feminist, anti-racist, social justice movement, but they are two that I find myself coming back to again and again because they articulate so clearly for me why anger is Sara Ahmed, “Feminist Killjoys (And Other Willful Subjects)” The quote reads: So, yes, let’s take the figure of the feminist killjoy seriously. Does the feminist kill other people’s joy by pointing out moments of sexism? Or does she expose the bad feelings that get hidden, displaced, or negated under public signs of joy? Feminist Killjoys (And Other Willful Subjects) Reading 8.2.

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Published by Duke University Press in 2014. Ahmed focuses on the idea of willfulness as resistance.

Feminist killjoys and other willful subjects

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Nationalencyklopedin (2016) Intersektionalitet http://www.ne.se.till.biblextern.sh.se/uppslagsverk/encyklopedi/l%C3%A5ng/Intersektionalitet . Wallengren, Simon & Mellgren, Caroline (2017) Romers upplevelser av hatbrott ‘Problematic Proximities: Or Why Critiques of Gay Imperialism Matter’, Feminist Legal Studies. Vol. 19, No. 2. pp. 119-132.

The feminist killjoy is an "affect alien" who does feel happiness when it is socially enforced to feel happiness.[1] " 2014-04-08 · feminist killjoy, affect alien, angry queer woman of colour View all posts by feministkilljoys → This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged willfulness . Sara Ahmed, “Feminist Killjoys (And Other Willful Subjects)” The quote reads: So, yes, let’s take the figure of the feminist killjoy seriously. Does the feminist kill other people’s joy by pointing out moments of sexism? Or does she expose the bad feelings that get hidden, displaced, or negated under public signs of joy? Abstract. English.
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Feminist killjoys and other willful subjects

Sid. 223-279 i Hall, The Poetics and the Politics of Exhibiting Other Cultures.

The Scholar & Feminist Online, 8 (3). Journal of Feminist Studies In Religion, 10 (1), 17-26. Willful Subjects. Published by Duke University Press in 2014.
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Is it possible to have been a feminist right from the beginning? A feminist story can be a Feminist killjoys (and other willful subjects) Questioning the figure of the “feminist killjoy”, this essay explores its negativity, as well as its promise of agency. By framing feminist thought as Questioning the figure of the “feminist killjoy”, this essay explores its negativity, as well as its promise of agency.

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Ahmed, Sara N. (2010).