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Craig Mitchell - Programme Director - Masters Programme in
Public Health. Master in Medical Science (The Master’s Programme in Medical Science gives students with a background in Physiotherapy, Nursing, Logopedics, Occupational Therapy, Radiography and midwifery (Reproductive, Perinatal and Sexual Health), the possibility to achieve a Master of Medical Science degree). The Master’s programme in Architecture is divided into two different specialisations: Advanced Architectural Design (AAD) and Spatial Experiment - Architecture and Digital Process (SE), each leading to an MSc in Architecture. For both specialisations, the first two semesters will constitute a compulsory common platform within the focus area. 2021-04-09 · Lund University offers more than 100 Master's degree programmes taught entirely in English, across a broad range of subject areas, including: environment & sustainability, business, economics & management, engineering & technology, architecture & design, fine & performing arts, humanities,international studies and social sciences, law, medicine & health and natural sciences.
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At the end of the year you apply your new skills and knowledge set in completing a degree project of 15 credits. Autumn semester (September - October) Foundations of Finance (7.5 ECTS) Astrophysics – Master's programme. Bioinformatics. The link below lead to the programme description on Lund University's main website. Bioinformatics – Master's programme. Biology. The links below lead to the programme descriptions on Lund University's main website.
Stockholm School of Economics
Utbildning på master- och magisternivå Undermeny för Utbildning på master- och magisterniv å Kurs eller program Lund University Bioimaging Centre Programmes at master’s level lead to either a 1-year master’s degree (60 credits) or a 2-year master’s degree (120 credits). Some programmes lead to a professional qualification. It is also possible to put together your own degree at master’s level based on single-subject courses.
Umeå universitet
The Lund University Global Scholarship programme is a selective, merit-based scholarship programme that recognizes top academic students from outside the European Union/European Economic Area (and Switzerland) who wish to apply for a Bachelor’s or Master’s Programme offered at Lund University. Lund University in Sweden offers nine Bachelor’s degrees in English (BSc, BFA, BM) within the fields of science, medicine & health, business, economics & management, international studies & social sciences, and fine & performing arts.. The University is dedicated to helping students reach their full potential by providing an extensive orientation programme where new students are introduced Master's degree programmes. We offer over 100 Master's degree programmes taught in English across a wide range of subjects, with many programmes offering a unique interdisciplinary approach: Search all Master's degree programmes (offered in the current application cycle) Master's programmes by subject area; Bachelor's degree programmes Economics - Master's Programme (Two Years) European and International Trade and Tax Law - Master's Programme Economic Growth, Population and Development - Master's Programme (Two Years) Accounting and Finance - Master's Programme (One Year) För dig som redan har en grundutbildning på minst 180 högskolepoäng innebär Lunds universitets masterprogram en värld av möjligheter: Du kan läsa allt från mänskliga rättigheter och folkhälsa till entreprenörskap, bioteknik och mycket mer. Vi har över 150 master- och magisterprogram inom Lunds universitet. Lund University School of Economics and Management offers 14 Master’s programmes, all completely taught in English.
Another option for students is to pursue one of the European Join University Master’s degrees offered by the university in cooperation with other European universities.
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At LTH we teach some of Sweden's most attractive master's programmes, all of which build on a broad research base. We are world-leading in a number of fields, including electronics for wireless communication, food probiotics, disaster risk management, and water resources engineering. 2020-01-21 Pre-Master's Programme (PMPP) The Pre-Master's Preparation Programme is available as a two and a half or three-term programme, with the opportunity to progress to a wide range of Engineering and Science Master’s degrees at Lund University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences or two Business Master's degrees at Kristianstad University.
Lund University offers eighteen international Master's programmes within international studies and social sciences. A few of these Master's programmes also offer different specialisations. Master in Medical Science (The Master’s Programme in Medical Science gives students with a background in Physiotherapy, Nursing, Logopedics, Occupational Therapy, Radiography and midwifery (Reproductive, Perinatal and Sexual Health), the possibility to achieve a Master of Medical Science degree). Most of Lund University’s programmes require English Level 6 (unless otherwise stated under 'Entry requirements').
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Thesis for the fulfillment ofthe Master of Science in Environmental Sience, Policy and Kandidatsuppsats, Naturvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet. Lissinger Vid Göteborgs universitet startade hösten 1998 Museion , ett centrum med Vid Museion finns sedan hösten 2002 en tvåårig internationell utbildning , Master ' s Programme in International Museum 39 Vid Lunds universitet ges en kurs i.
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Below you will find the international Master's programmes with the start date 30 August 2021. The application period is between 16 October 2020 and 15 January 2021.