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Housing Enabler är ett forskningsbaserat instrument för bedömning och analys av miljöhinder i bostäder, inklusive i den Studien har en kvantitativ ansats av en deskriptiv karaktär. Mätningar genomfördes på 18 gruppbostäder för vuxna med beslut enligt LSS. Mätningarna genomfördes manuellt enligt instrumentet Housing Enabler, sedan användes dataprogrammet Housing Enabler 1.0 för resultatbearbetning. DOI: 10.1177/0308022618782329 Corpus ID: 81946797. The Housing Enabler instrument: Assessing threats to reliability and validity @article{Norin2019TheHE, title={The Housing Enabler instrument: Assessing threats to reliability and validity}, author={Lizette Norin and S. Iwarsson and M. Haak and B. Slaug}, journal={British Journal of Occupational Therapy}, year={2019}, volume={82}, pages={48 - 59} } The Trigno Device Enabler allows a range of Trigno Wireless sensors manufactured by Delsys to stream data into LabChart. The following Trigno Sensors and Base Stations are supported: Trigno Base State Receiver (D) Trigno Base Stations Receiver (AD) Trigno EMG + XYZ Sensors Trigno Mini EMG + XYZ Sensors Trigno Snap-Lead EMG + XYZ Sensors Trigno 4 Contact FSR Sensors Trigno EKG Background: The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with an overall impression of the stepwise user-centred design approach including the specific methods used and lessons learned when transforming paper-based assessment forms into a prototype app, taking the Housing Enabler as an example. Housing Enabler S Iwarsson B Slaug . Se alla annonser från Feri.
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rev. uppl. Publicerad: Lund : Veten & Skapen HB & Slaug Data abstract = "Introduction: The Housing Enabler instrument, designed to measure housing accessibility, has not been used in samples with long-standing spinal cord injury. We aimed to investigate potential threats to the reliability and validity of the instrument when used among older adults with spinal cord injury.
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You can see that most clearly on the 4D Encoder. “We used a mix of modern and traditional processes for the surface finish,” he says, of the detail-work that went into the instrument’s cosmetics. 2018-06-25 · The Housing Enabler ( Iwarsson and Slaug, 2010) is an instrument targeting accessibility developed for, and mainly used with older adults.
The housing enabler : an instrument for assessing and analysing accessibility problems in housing / Susanne Iwarsson & Björn Slaug. Iwarsson, Susanne: Housing enabler. Housing enabler : - metodik för bedömning/kartläggning och analys av tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet ; manual för fullständigt instrument och screeningverktyg / Susanne Iwarsson & Björn Slaug.
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Housing enabler (2000).
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Tillvägagångssätt vid bedömning med instrumentet är intervju i kombination med observation, och bedömning av bostad och närmiljön. In conclusion, the Housing Enabler is a useful and reliable instrument for research, practice and education. It offers a wide range of applications and is well suited for the current development The results of the current study and several previous studies on the complete Housing Enabler instrument were used for optimization of the list of items, item definitions, and the layout of the screening forms, and to develop a manual intended to strengthen rater agreement (Figures 1 and 2).In conclusion, given the findings of the current study and the authors' longstanding experiences in the use of the complete Housing Enabler instrument in research and practice, it can be concluded that TY - JOUR. T1 - The Housing Enabler instrument. T2 - Assessing threats to reliability and validity.
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